I loved this app. I purchased it before the monthly subscription thing started and Ive had nothing but great things to say. Now, after over a years use, finger print recognition just stopped working, the option to finger recognition is gone! Email response from the developer (AgileBits Inc.) says that finger print recognition can shut off for multiple reasons, I just need to use the Master Password to log back in.
Ive been using finger print recogntion since I downloaded the app, but now they tell me that fingerprint recognition can shut down for no apparent reason. Why offer fingerprint recognition as an option or at least state that it can be disabbled for no reason to prevent people looking for simplicity to depend on it. Ive lost all my passwords (over 70 passwords), becuase even the iCloud backup won’t reload the app with finger print recognition enabled.
I loved this app, because I didnt have to remember another password and I dont lose my fingers very often (knock on wood). So after a year of use, I lose everything. However reading the materails AgileBits Inc. sent, if i had subcribed for the monthly subsription, I would have more options to retrieve my information.
Be warned, they dont give warning that youll lose data with only fingerprint recognition and they appear to scam you for the monthly subscription. I wouldnt mind doing a reasonable amount each month (0.99 cents/month). But they want, 3.99 each month and shutdown finger print recognition to hit home that I need to upgrade to subscription status. Seriously, Im not streaming movies or music, four dollars a month is a too much! They arent doing brain surgery. Its just shady that my fingerprint recognition shut down for no reason, unsatisfactory.
Dont fall for their monthly fee gimmick. Just Youtube encrypting files on your computer, and create an encrypted (256bit) password protected document and make your own password list. The few commonly used passwords load into a secondary cheap password keeper app on your phone and save your money. An encrypted document comes with most computer OS for free. You can also back up an encrypted document for safe keeping and have one password to unlock everything without dealing with shady companies, sudden lockouts, and monthly subcriptions.
Good luck and seriously look into encrypting files on your Mac or Microsoft for free, dont let these guys fool you into a monthly subscription.